
The swimming pools in which we are teaching swimming lessons are intended only for infants and toddlers. The water is treated to be chemically and microbiologically pure and friendly to the youngest children at the same time. Water purity is ensured by the performance of the filter. Disinfection is maintained by salt electrolysis and ozoniser. Of course there is a regular daily change of certain amount of the water in the pool. Water change, with cleaning of all pipes and quality disinfection of the pool walls takes place every week. Since we do not want to use brighteners and other chemicals harmful to the youngest, this is the only way to ensure safe water for your children. Regular monthly analyses of water are being evaluated in a certified laboratory. Not only is this obligation imposed by law, but we also want to confirm the quality and safety of our water. That is how we are always 100% sure that you can feel safe in our water and we do not use anything that does not belong to “safe waters”. We regularly publish the results of water on the website and in the information boards. In both pools the water is heated to approximately 32 °C. The water is salty, the salinity of our water is a bit lower than a human tear. The salt cleaning device produces from salt chlorine which is not bound to organic substances. The amount of chlorine is harmless to children and water is therefore suitable also for a fourth month old baby. To ensure complete safety of our water, we also clean it with ozone. Within one hour, the entire volume of the pool water is filtered through high-performance filters. In both pools there is a sauna which temperature can be regulated and thus adapt it to the needs of children. It is used to warm up and relieve the body after a lesson. Temperature change also contributing to the immunity building. Of course there are sanitary facilities and changing rooms. We have also acclimatisation rooms, which serve children to relax after a lesson, to dry (hairdryers are available) and to eat, so that the child leaves happy and with a pleasant feeling from the entire stay with us. During the season 2015/2016 we prepared an exercise room for children, to exercise before the swimming lesson. Here they warm up, we explain new exercises and for parents also ways how to hold their children. What a child can do on land, it’s certainly able to handle in water. Our clients may use free WiFi and the there is also a possibility to enjoy coffee and tea.

Of course, certain rules also apply in our swimming pools, to ensure the necessary cleanliness and safety for all our visitors.

  • You must enter the pool room barefoot or in clean slippers with pale soles.
  • Before entering the water we need you to shower with soap and without a swimsuit.
  • You may feed the baby in a dedicated room. You may breastfeed at anytime and anywhere in our premises.
  • Every “accident” that we naturally expecting, when working with children, is reported to the staff.
  • The child is permitted to move around the pool only when accompanied by a parent or another adult.
  • We are attending lessons always healthy, without fever and no signs of inflammation in the body.

What to bring to the lesson?

  • soap
  • swimsuit for yourself and your baby
  • a nappy for swimming in the pool
  • towel for yourself and your baby
  • all the things needed for changing a baby
  • food and drink for your baby


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